Aesthetic / Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic / Cosmetic Surgery

The Department of Aesthetic / Cosmetic Surgery is a very special Department in PSG Super Speciality Hospitals that has been exclusively designed to cater to the Cosmetic needs of today’s Cosmopolitan population.

This special Department is fully equipped with the latest state of Art equipments for enhancing the external beauty as well as boost your self confidence.

Lead by Dr.Radhakrishnan.V., M.S., McH., a fully qualified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon with 17 years of ample experience, we have a vibrant team of technicians , nursing and paramedical staff.

The Cosmetic Surgery team specializes in the following procedures:

Hair Transplant

PSG Super Speciality Hospital has the best Hair grafting theatre infrastructure in this region with latest Operating microscopes , hair counter , hair analysis etc . We do FUE and FUT for selected cases . We use micro punches for extracting the hair follicles and also use implanter pens for implanting the hair . Hence graft handling and graft loss is greatly minimised.

Our speciality in hair transplants:

  • Done by Plastic / Cosmetic Surgeons .
  • Minimal Anaesthetics and drugs used .
  • Minimal pain
  • No scarring of donor sites .
  • Best hair line design .
  • Very less graft transection rates .
  • Very good personal pre and post op care .
  • Backed by a Mutispeciality Tertiary Hospital .
  • Best and well known PSG Hospitality .
  • Perfect ambience and friendly staff .
  • Highly competitive rates in the market .
  • We also do eyebrow , mustache and beard grafting .
Anti – Ageing treatment

Also called Youth recall treatment is for the aging skin . We do laser skin tightening, face pigment reduction, blemish reduction, Botox, face fillers, mesotheraphy, skin rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, thread lift or non-surgical face lift, mini surgical face lift, double chin correction, epilation etc . All these treatments help the aging and aged faces.

Skin – Whitening treatment

Skin whitening is done with a combination of Glutathione and Vitamin C injections along with Mesotheraphy with Vitamin C which oxidises the melanin . This treatment has to be continued to give a sustained fairness.

Fat reduction and anti – cellulite treatment

Subcutaneous fat in the abdomen , arms , neck area , buttocks , thighs and chest can be reduced by lipolytic treatment , liposuction and mesotherapy . Fat reduction and recontouring the body areas is called Liposculpting . The extracted fat cells can be re-injected into other areas like breast or face to improve the contour and give a youthfull appearance.

Tattoo removal or excision

Superficial tattoo can be removed using few sittings of NDYaG Laser. Deeply placed or resistant tattoos are removed by cosmetic excision or repeated dermabrasion.

Medical Tattoo

Medical tattoo is always safe as it is sterile and done using aseptic precautions. Also hypoallergic good quality dyes are used. Hence risk of allergy and chemical induced dermatitis is low.

Ear , nose piercing

Body piercing is done in a very aseptic way in the operation theatre, absolutely painless. We use state of the art teflon coated piercing guns and acessories. The piercing points are pre-marked, photographed and after client approval it is done.

Chin and Cheek implants

A small and aesthetically underdeveloped chin or cheek can be augumented by using implants without any face scars.

Orthognathic Surgery

The bony abnormalities of the face can be corrected by advancing or setting back the face bones to give a natural and beautiful face contour . This is particularly helpful for repairing protruding jaws or cheeks .


This is done to reshape the nose and make it look aesthetically good. It also helps in improving nasal function by correcting septal abnormalities present.

Otoplasty and correction of ear defects : Bat ears , small ears , large ears or bifid ear loes can be corrected as day care procedures .

Torn ear lobe repair

Torn ear lobes can be repaired by Pardues technique as an outpatient procedure. Patient can wear ear rings immediately and there is no need for suture removal or re-piercing.

Scar excision / revision

Large unsightly scars can be excised or made less prominent using laser or surgical techniques.

Cosmetic Cicumcision

The gold standard technique of Circumcision is done as a day care procedure. The results are scarless, perfect closure and no suture marks.

Cysts / tumours / warts / moles excision

Cysts / tumours / warts / moles excision is done as outpatient in the operation theatre with aseptic precautions and absolutely painless.

Vitiligo and Leukoderma Surgery

White hypo-pigmented areas on the body can be corrected by various procedures like excision, epidermal grafting, melanocyte transplant or body colour tattooing. Dermal Fat grafting is used to augument the lips, cheek, breast, gluteal region or depressed scarred areas.

Specialist Doctors

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