The PSG Hospitals is supported by very well-equipped, modern labs for Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Biochemistry and Microbiology. These labs are equipped with some of the latest fully computerized state of the art equipments which ensure accuracy and dependability of the investigations done.
All biological samples are transferred to the respective labs via state-of-the-art pneumatic tubes facility to save time.
This in turn contributes significantly to efficient patient management. In addition to the routine tests, facilities are available for the the measurement of arterial blood gases, endocrine parameters, diagnosis of bleeding disorders and haemolytic anaemias. The Department of Microbiology is equipped to diagnose many of the common as well as rare infections and autoimmune diseases.
The PSG Hospitals laboratories and Blood Bank follow rigid quality control measures and are participants in internal and external quality assurance programmes.
The Department of Microbiology is well equipped to teach and diagnose most of the infectious diseases prevalent in the society. The department offers diagnostic services to the hospital regarding Bacteriology, Mycobacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology, Immunology and Serology. The department also carries out bacteriological analysis of water, theatre sterility checks, in house disinfectant testing and hospital environmental surveillance. The diagnostic laboratory is well equipped with automated Bact-Alert system for Blood culture, Turbidometry, Walk in incubator and walk in cooler, Biosafety cabinets, and State of the art equipment like Enhanced Chemiluminescence’s Immuno Assay for serodiagnosis of HIV, Hepatitis markers and other infectious diseases. The department is also an active participant of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP) and also has Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) for HIV conducted by the Government of India.
Basic Molecular biology equipment like Thermocyler, Gel documentation system, Refrigerated centrifuge etc., are available for research purposes.
Since 2001, the department has been upgraded as a post graduate training centre and offers MD degree course in Microbiology.
The diagnostic segment of the department participates regularly in external quality control programmes.
The department maintains a scientifically designed central animal house stocked with pedigreed animals of different species for research purposes. The animal house is CPCSEA Registered, and caters to the needs of the research work done by PSG IMSR and its sister concerns as well as many institutions in and around Coimbatore.
The biochemistry laboratory of the hospital is equipped with modern equipment such as Cobas 6000, Cobas Integras, Cobas e411 to enable clinical biochemistry, special proteins and hormones. There are two dedicated HPLC Biorad D10 and Biorad Variants for HbA1c analysis. There are five ABG analyzers out of which two are kept at ICU and cardiothoracic ICU. The lab is equipped with freezing point depression Osmometer.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with graphite furnace helps analyze any metal in trace quantities. There are high speed programmable refrigerated centrifuges that take care of pre-analytical processing. All instruments are interfaced to LIS developed in house, to ensure smooth error free process flow.
The biochemistry laboratory is headed by Dr.G.Jeyachandran MD (Biochemistry) who is also a NABL technical assessor. The quality is managed by Dr.D.Vijaya who is also a Lead Assessor for NABL. Besides, there is a team of highly competent authorized signatories – Dr.B.Gayathri MD (Technical Manager), Dr.G.Sumitra MD (Deputy Quality manager), Dr.S.Kavitha MD, Dr.A.S.Meenakshi Sundaram, Dr.R.Sujatha and Mrs.V.Aruna. The lab has a work force of about 22 qualified well trained technicians and technologist running the laboratory 24/7 all 365days.
The Clinical Biochemistry lab is NABL accredited for the past 6 years for almost all parameters. We take internal quality control very seriously and the performance of the lab in external proficiency testing is excellent. The lab has a robust critical alert system. The services are periodically assessed by NABH also and the lab has excellent compliance to NABH standards also.
The work profile includes diagnostic services, academics and research. The department comprises of Histopathology, Clinical Pathology, Cytology and state of the art blood bank.
The CCTV aided microscope with projection facilities has made discussion of slides for teaching, diagnostic purposes and clinicopathology sessions an easy task. The department was upgraded as a postgraduate training centre and offers excellent scope for research activities. Nikon Eclipse E400 research microscope, microwave for tissue processing, LEICA Semi automated microtome, Cytospin and Cryostat are some of the major equipments. Immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry are the highlights. The department is part of international projects on carcinoma cervix.
The Clinical pathology and Haematology section activity participates in external quality assurance programmes. It is equipped with automated cell counters, coagulation analyzer, ESR analyzer etc., There are regular post graduate academic activities on practical aspects and recent advances. The section also has a very good collection of postgraduate slides. The clinical pathology and blood bank offers training to students from other universities. Projects on various topics are performed. The clinical pathology lab will very soon be applying for NABL accreditation.
The blood bank has ultramodern gadgets like -80o and -30 deep freezers, refrigerated centrifuges automatic plasma expressors and tube sealers and is recognized as a Regional Transfusion Centre by the Govt. of India with facilities to preparation, store and dispense blood components. The pride of the department is its huge museum which has a stunning array of tissue specimens of all systems of the body, flow charts, models and collection of rare slides.