

Types of Robotic Surgeries

April 12, 2023

1. Robotic Colorectal surgery 

Colorectal surgeries are usually performed when the patient needs removal of the colon  or rectum (colectomy / rectal resections / abdomino perineal resections))  for benign or cancerous conditions.  The robotic surgeries have enabled the surgeons to perform the colorectal surgeries protecting the important nerves needed for normal sexual and urinary functions. ( Autonomic nerve preservation)

2. Robotic Surgery for Esophagus and Stomach 

Robotic surgeries have been successful in the performance of the  major surgeries for the removal of the cancer affected stomach ( gastrectomy) and esophagus ( esophagectomy). The accuracy and precision of robotic instruments in esophagectomy helps to avoid damage to the nerves and blood vessels, avoiding the vocal cord palsy and tracheal injuries while lymph node clearance is better ensuring better oncological outcomes. 

3. Robotic Fundoplication or Surgery for Acid Reflux

 Robotic fundoplication surgeries through small holes is typically done as a day care procedure as the patient has very good and early recovery . A permanent cure to troubling acid reflux problems can be achieved through robotic surgery. 

4. Robotic Hernia Surgery

Inguinal and ventral hernia hernias of the abdominal wall and groin are common surgical problems. Robotic surgery for inguinal hernia is performedas a day care procedure with safe and precise repair of the weakness in the muscle with mesh placement. For treatment of complex , recurrent and large incisional and ventral hernias, Robotic surgery offers the advantage of minimally invasive surgery for performing complex procedures like TAR and E TEP. Open surgeries for the same need incisions over the entire length of the abdomen and high wound morbidity and prolonged hospital stay.

5. Robotic Prostate Surgery 

The most commonly encountered cancer in the male population is the prostate cancer  which is treated commonly through the surgical removal of the prostate  and the surrounding cancerous tissue (radical prostatectomy) . The robotic assisted surgery plays and excellent role in the treatment in  such malignancies, enabling ins suitable patients to preserve the bladder function and restoring normal voiding of urine.  The robotic surgery enables the surgeon to clearly delineate the cancerous and the non-cancerous tissues. With excellent  access and precision the surgeons are able to bring out better prognosis than the conventional open surgical techniques.  

6. Robotic Kidney Surgery : Nephrectomy / Partial Nephrectomy

Robotic surgery for removal of kidneys offer the advantage of small incision and minimal blood loss with discharge as early as 48 hours after surgery. The biggest advantage, however is in the preservation of part of the kidney in cancers affecting only one part or pole of kidney. Instead of removing the whole of kidney, the normal part can be preserved by robotic partial nephrectomy. Excess bleeding and urine leak which can occur with traditional techniques for partial nephrectomy can be avoided with use of robotic surgery. 

7. Robotic Gynaecological Surgery 

For women robotic surgery may be the best method compared to the traditional open surgical methods when it comes to the gynaecological surgeries. . Robotic surgery for benign gynaecological conditions is usually performed as a day care surgery, requiring no overnight hospital stay or less than 24 hour hospital stay.  The robot assisted hysterectomy, myomectomy and other gynaecologic procedures ensure minimal blood loss and pain leading to very short recovery and return to normal activities. Robotic surgeries for cancer of the uterus and cervix has improved the cure due to more accurate surgery.

8. Robotic Gallbladder Surgery / Cholecystectomy

Gall bladder diseases are most commonly caused by gallstones , which causes severe pain and inflammations. Most of the gallbladder diseases are treated with gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy) Due to the smaller incision patients experience minimal post surgical trauma compared to the conventional methods and are discharged on same day and least complications.

9. Robotic Thyroid Surgeries

Robotic surgery for thyroid gland removal is performed with small incisions made through the patient’s axilla and hence the scars in the neck are avoided. Excellent cosmetic and functional outcomes are achieved with robotic thyroid surgeries.

10. Robotic Thoracic Surgeries

Open surgeries for removal of the lung / tumors in the chest or mediastinum require cutting open of the chest which is very painful and has a long ugly scar. Robotic thoracic surgeries are performed to removal of the part ( lobectomy) or  entire lung ( pneumonectomy) and tumors of mediastinum with minimal incisions and short recovery.   There are also various other surgeries that have had high success rate with the robotic assisted surgeries 
  • Heart surgeries
  • Head and neck surgeries
  • General surgeries
  • Paediatric surgeries

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